
《十大娱乐彩票平台》是为指导董事会的工作而制定的. The Rules of Procedure are updated whenever necessary. Material changes to the Rules of Procedure are subject to approval by the 董事会. 

The work of the 董事会 is governed by the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, 电话este Corporation’s Articles of Association, 股东大会的决定, 适用于会计和证券市场的法律以及纳斯达克赫尔辛基有限公司提供的证券交易规则. 

董事会代表所有股东,并始终为公司及其股东的最大利益行事. 董事会的目标是指导公司的业务,以便为公司的股东提供最佳的长期回报.


According to the Articles of Association, 电话este’s 董事会 has a minimum of three and a maximum of eight members. The 周年股东大会 (AGM) decides on the number of Board members and their election. The 董事会 elects a Chairman of the Board from among its members. A person designated by the 董事会 acts as the secretary of the Board.

董事会的候选人是由董事长和公司的大股东共同选定的. 除了 to the required experience and areas of expertise, the guidelines on the diversity of the Board are taken into account when choosing candidates. 

The majority of the members of the 董事会 must be independent of the company, and at least two of the members must also be independent of the company’s significant shareholders; independence is interpreted according to the definition provided in the Finnish Corporate Governance Code approved by the Securities Market Association. 

The term of office of Board members is one year, and it ends at the close of the 周年股东大会 following the election of Board members. The number of terms of a Board member is not limited.


董事会的职责是基于有限责任公司法, 电话este Corporation’s Articles of Association and other laws and regulations.
董事会定期监督公司财务和战略目标的实现情况,并根据长期目标监督公司的发展. The 董事会 provides the company management with external opinions and support. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that accounting, financial management and risk management in the company are appropriately organised. 除了, 是适用的, 董事会负责筹备股东会的有关事项并执行股东会的决议.

董事会考虑对公司有重大和长期影响的事项,并界定首席执行官(CEO)的权力。. 需要董事会批准的事项列于《十大娱乐彩票平台》附录1. 定期检查附录. 此外,董事会:

  1. confirms the company’s ethical values and policies and monitors their implementation;
  2. monitors the company management’s communications with shareholders and the security market and, 在必要的时候, discusses the formation of shareholder interest and the response of the market;
  3. 确定公司的股利政策;
  4. 每年确认公司的基本战略以及由基本战略衍生出的计划期内的经营目标;
  5. 每年对行业的技术发展、总体需求和竞争环境进行研究,并在CEO的分析基础上对公司的主要风险进行评估;
  6. 审议批准中期财务报表、中期报告以及年度财务报表和董事会报告;
  7. holds a meeting with the chief auditors at least once a year;
  8. appoints and, 在必要的时候, dismisses the CEO;
  9. makes the necessary proposals to the shareholders’ meeting;
  10. grants authorisation to sign for the company and power of procuration;
  11. establishes Board committees, 在必要的时候;
  12. 批准关联交易的比例原则和流程,监督和评估公司与关联方之间的交易;
  13. considers any other matters that the Chairman of the Board and/or CEO have decided to place on the agenda for a meeting and matters that Board members have requested to be considered at a meeting by informing the Chairman about their request; and
  14. performs any other duties required by the Limited Liability Companies Act, the Articles of Association and other regulations.






Performance reports include the result of the Group as well as the cost development, 性能预测, 预算比较, the most important financial indicators for the company and the financial situation.

Reporting on the most important events in the company 

公司管理层确保董事会成员及时了解公司发生的任何重要事件. 证券交易所发布的信息应尽可能提前提供,无论如何不得迟于与公众通讯同时提供.



董事会根据董事会批准的年历,全年定期召开会议. The most important matters to be considered at each meeting are listed in the calendar. 除了, 董事会在必要时由董事长召集或至少有两名董事会成员要求召开会议. Meetings of the 董事会 may also be held as remote conferences, 董事会可通过电子邮件批准声明作出决定,而无需在实际地点召开会议. 

The Chairman of the Board chairs the meetings of the 董事会. 

The secretary of the Board keeps minutes of the meetings. The minutes are checked and signed at the next Board meeting. The minutes are checked and signed by the Chairman of the Board and one Board member. If a decision is made without convening physically, all the members of the 董事会 sign the minutes. The minutes of the Board Meetings may also be signed electronically. 


The 董事会 shall constitute a quorum when more than half of its members are present. The 董事会 always tries to reach a consensus when making decisions. If this is not possible, decisions are made by a simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the 董事会 has the casting vote.

需要董事会作出决定的事项,在董事会会议通知上明确为决定事项, and they are recorded as decisions in the minutes of the Board.

与某项决定有利益冲突的董事会成员不得参与该决定的制定. A Board member may have their dissent recorded in the minutes of the Board. A dissent must be communicated immediately after the decision is made.


The Chairman of the Board prepares the agenda, assisted by the CEO of the company and the secretary of the 董事会. The 董事会 does not consider any matters that have not been placed on the agenda, unless the Board unanimously decides at the meeting to do so. 理事会会议的主题包括年度日历中规定的主题和其他当前事项. 董事会成员可就将事项列入会议议程提出建议.


When considered necessary, the 董事会 establishes committees to support its work. 董事会决定各委员会的成员、主席和议事规则.


At its organising meeting held on 5 April 2018, 电话este Corporation’s 董事会 established an 审计委员会 for the company. 审计委员会的工作和职责由《十大可靠彩票平台》确定,并须经董事会批准. 审计委员会主席以摘要形式向董事会报告审计委员会的会议情况.
Evaluation of the 董事会’ work



Original approved by the 董事会 on 18 September 2018.
Updates approved by the 董事会 on 18 December 2019 and 10 February 2021.